Open Source Inventory

The greatest and latest of Netresearch's Open Source Initiatives


Netresearch also offers TYPO3 special services for B2C and B2B including DevOps, operations, support, upgrades and migrations.

Multi-channel contexts

Contexts is a set of TYPO3 extension that allows to control record (content elements and pages by default) visibility based on several conditions grouped as so called contexts. Such conditions can be IP ranges, user location, device types, GET parameters, HTTP headers, domains and logical combinations of contexts.

Performance analysis

This TYPO3 extension tracks frontend rendering timing and quantity information and displays a summary at the bottom right of the frontend pages. By default it tracks rendering time of the server and browser, and the number of SQL queries and the total time needed for them. Additionally extensions can track custom information into other groups.

DAM to FAL migration

We provide two extensions that make the switch from the deprecated Digital Asset Management (DAM) extension to the new core File Abstraction Layer (FAL) as easy as possible.With nr_dam_falmigration you can easily migrate the DAM records to FAL records on database level from the upgrade wizard or from command line (you don't need the files to be locally available). The extension maps the default fields and tables but you can add additional extension fields to be migrated if you need. Unlike other migration extensions it works extremely fast (~100k of records in ~2 min).After that the compatibility layer extension dam_compat provides the old DAM API methods using FAL files enabling you to make the switch without any further code or extension changes.

Caching Framework

This extension provides functionality to store cache data in memory based caching systems like Couchbase, Redis, Memcache or Amazon ElastiCache. Including PHP code cache and function results - move your typo3temp cache folders into Redis. It contains a streamwrapper to store PHP code cache in caching framework, a Couchbase caching framework backend and a function cache as callable caching frontend.

Distributed lock manager

NR_Lock is a distributed lock manager (DLM). It's designed for multiple TYPO3 frontend servers using a single typo3temp share and Database. NR_Lock currently supports single Redis or Couchbase (experimental) caching server as locking instance. It replaces/extends the TYPO3 lock facility t3lib_lock.


This extension acts as alternative session handler and provides an interface for a more secure, scalable and faster session data storage as well as more secure session id handling. It uses the caching framework to store session data and allows you to configure every caching framework backend to store session data. Also it validates generated session ids against the session storage for uniqueness and checks every newly generated session id for uniqueness to ensure security and data privacy.

Cache test plugins

Provides cached and uncached TYPO3 plugins that render the current time. Each has an option to sleep for a certain amount of seconds. The plugins are helpful for testing concurrent accesses and locking/caching implementations in TYPO3.

Semantic Templates

This extension displays HTML templates from a LESS installation in TYPO3 pages.LESS is a web application to create HTML templates and fill them with data from the semantic web (linked data: RDF, RDFa; and SPARQL query results).You can use it to display data from i.e. the Wikipedia on your TYPO3 page. Your page updates automatically when the data in Wikipedia change, and with LESS you have a central place to manage the layout of your template. Other people can improve your templates or add new ones, ready for you to use.Apart from Wikipedia, you can make use of any data that are available as Linked Data (RDF/RDFa) or via SPARQL queries. FOAF profiles of people are a good example for RDF data.

Content Delivery Network Tools

This extension will link static media in your page to your Content Delivery Network (CDN) or just any other static server for media delivery, so you can use your full featured CDN or just use some lightweight fast http server like Lighttpd to deliver content to your customers faster and offload traffic from your CMS servers.


Provides extended functionality for the pagetree, such as showing non page records (plain or hierarchical) and wiring them to custom pages. This is a big usability enhancement for hierarchical records that you usually could only manage in plain lists with the list module.


Netresearch also offers Magento special services for B2C and B2B including DevOps, operations, support, upgrades and migrations.

DHL Shipping module for Magento 2

This extension integrates the Deutsche Post DHL Group Business Customer Shipping API (GKP Versenden) into the Magento 2 order processing workflow.

API import CLI script

Provides a PHP command line script for interaction with the ApiImport module for Magento. The repository also contains real live example data.


Jumpstorm wants to help you concentrate on the task you have to do. No more time has to be wasted for Magento setup. It even could setup your Magento automatically, so it can even be used for demo or test systems.Its flexible architecture allows you to extend its functionality as you need.For extension with modman support, deployment is done with modman, so you'll get a ready-to-use installation at the end. All the other extensions, e.g. from Magento Connect will be hard-copied to your Magento.

Live translator

This extension provides the ability to enable inline translation from backend just for the current user. Activates inline translation in Magento for a single user by clicking a link, which is valid for up to 2 minutes only.

CMS Relations

Magento module to create relations between cms pages. With this it's for example possible to redirect to a translated cms page after language switching.


A simple API wrapper around the Magento Marketplace EQP API.


Node-RED module to parse Magento EQP callbacks


Netresearch also offers software development for B2C and B2B including DevOps, operations, support, upgrades and migrations.

Semann - semantic annotator

Enhance any content with annotations from various sources (e.g. DBpedia). The project provides a JavaScript SDK which shows a widget with relevant entities for the text being analyzed which can be selected for inclusion on the target content in various ways (e.g. RDFa attributes, inclusion to sidebars, footers, injected paragraphs etc.). The backends that analyze the content are invoked using adapters (currently Apache Stanbol, others will follow). The SDK is designed to allow annotations on any web sites / apps which will involve some programming effort to get it running - however there are standard integrations for common editors and systems (currently CKEditor, more to come).


AssetPicker is a free asset or file picker designed to be easily included into web application interfaces. It has a file abstraction layer allowing adapters to connect to any remote storage, be it cloud storages like Amazon S3, Google Drive or Dropbox or assets from a custom web application server. In opposite to other file managers or pickers, AssetPicker is suitable for hierarchical as well as associative file storages.


Timetracker is an extensive timetracking solution built on Symfony and ExtJS with JIRA integration (multiple JIRA-Instances possible), reporting, user management, CSV-Export on monthly basis and many more.


Kite is a build and automation tool inspired by TYPO3.Surf, written in PHP and utilizing PHP for configuration. It's easy to use, flexible, node based and fail safe. It makes Netresearchs projects fly.


Netresearch also offers special services for B2C and B2B including DevOps, operations, support, upgrades and migrations.

Ak Akeneo

Docker Image for Akeneo Product Information Management system.

DC Data Crow

Docker image for Data Crow server based on OpenJDK 8.

EM EnterMediaDB

Docker image running the EnterMediaDB Digital Asset Management System on an openjdk base image.

SP SSL Proxy

Docker Image for an NGinx Proxy provided by jwilder

Ph Phraseanet

Docker image for the Phraseanet PHP Digital Asset Management System.

Rz Razuna

Docker image for the Razuna Digital Asset Management System.